Is Root Canal Treatment Right For Me?

Root Canal TherapyDo you have nagging or severe tooth pain that is causing you to wonder if you might need a root canal? While a visit to your dentist at Dunkling and Penney Dentistry in Burlington is the only way to know if you need a root canal for sure, here are a few symptoms you may want to watch out for.

1. Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is one of the most well-known signs that you might need a root canal, particularly in response to biting down, or pain that lasts longer than 30 seconds after exposure to hot or cold food.

2. Sensitivity to Heat and Cold

Tooth sensitivity certainly doesn't always mean a root canal is needed, but if you experience tooth sensitivity, especially lingering tooth sensitivity, combined with several other symptoms, a trip to your Burlington dentist may be in order.

3. Swelling

Just because your infection starts inside your tooth doesn't mean it has to stay there. Swelling around your gum line can indicate that the infection is also in your gums, especially if it is accompanied by discharge or a foul taste or smell.

4. A Chipped, Cracked or Broken Tooth

Healthy teeth are strong teeth and should not chip, crack or break without a good reason. If your tooth shows signs of damage or decay on the outside, this may be a sign that you have damage or decay on the inside as well.

5. No Symptoms at All

Of course, not all infected teeth present symptoms, so just because you are symptom-free does not necessarily mean your teeth are strong and healthy. This is why regular visits to your Burlington dentist at Dunkling and Penney Dentistry are so crucial for maintaining excellent oral health. Only a dentist will be able to tell you the condition of your teeth for sure. Visit yours today!

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