What You Need to Know about Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening ImageSometimes our favorite foods and drinks aren’t so nice on our smiles. From those morning cups of coffee to those evening glasses of wine, our teeth take a lot of wear and tear. Over time, this can cause some rather nasty stains that can be hard to get rid of with just normal brushing. This is when teeth whitening in Burlington comes in. If you want to get a brighter smile, find out more about this non-invasive cosmetic procedure first.

Fact #1: Professional teeth whitening doesn’t work on all stains.

If you are considering getting teeth whitening then you need to know that this system is really only effective on external stains, which are typically yellow. If you have internal stains caused by trauma or long-term antibiotic use, teeth whitening will most likely not give you the results you are looking for and you will want to consider other cosmetic treatments (e.g. dental veneers) for improving your smile.

Fact #2: Teeth whitening only works on natural teeth. 

If you have dental work, keep in mind that teeth whitening will only whiten natural tooth enamel and not dental crowns, fillings, implants, etc.

Fact #3: You should follow proper post-whitening care to maintain your smile.

 This means not only brushing and flossing each day but also abstaining from stain-producing foods and drinks like wine, coffee, berries and dark sauces. Those who smoke should also stay away from cigarettes or other tobacco products after their treatment to maintain long-lasting results.

Fact #4: Teeth bleaching results aren’t permanent. 

Your whiter smile, however, can last about one year and up to three years. A lot will depend on how well you care for your smile and how much you refrain from consuming certain foods and drinks. You may also want to consider regular touchups in order to keep your whiter smile.

If you’re interested in getting a whiter smile for the New Year, then give your Burlington dentist a call. We can get you a more radiant look in under an hour!

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